

When you are writing for an online audience, you need to prepare for diversifying your writing style. There has to be lots of flexibility because reading habits differ from offline to online viewers. Online readers do not spend much time on each site and just go through the information. So the content writer has only a few seconds in which they have to attract the readers’ attention and sustain their interest in the webpage. Many writers often know the answer at the back of mind that “presentation” matters in content writing, just like in cooking as in both these streams, the appearance of the content matters as it creates the first impression.

A content writer will succeed in retaining users and creating their interest to read on the web page only if the title is attractive, sub headings are catchy and content is informative. This is important because readers scan the WebPages quickly and pay more attention to the text written in bold. A writer must know the market and the target audience for which he or she is writing. This helps the writer to focus on the topics that are popular and expected by the users. A writer must make sure that a user is hooked to the content without any condition.

Many websites do not draw traffic despite having quality content. It can be because visitors might not find anything attractive enough to make them stay on the site. Webmasters must concentrate on making the content saleable by presenting it in unique ways. Websites fail to hold on the quality traffic because of the poor navigation structure, untidy site. Perhaps, visitors do not understand what is lacking and fail to access the content.content writer -IFW

Start with a bang: Make sure your intention of writing the content is explained in the initial few paragraphs only.

Be precise: Make sure you wisely use the words and make each word count. As online readers are always in a hurry to grab more information in less time, make the topic clear and its applications in effect in beginning only. The concept must be clear to the readers.

Write short paragraphs: Writing large blocks of content without white spaces is junk. Write simple and short sentences, which describe everything. Divide each paragraph with proper subheadings.

Use bold tags and headlines: Give creative and compelling headings to make sure that it catches reader’s attention.

How to start and drop: Highlight important aspects of the article and begin initially by asking users a question for engaging them.

Close the content by making a strong statement.

The writer writes for his or her readers and presentation is what makes readers feel attracted to writing.


Image courtesy Jomphong/freedigitalphotos.net