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habitsI have written since my teens, but at that time, writing was either just for fun or for completing my projects.  I did not have any inkling about that I would choose writing as my profession later in my life.  Now being a professional writer for some time, I have learned to follow some rules, and acquired some habits that help me with my work.   To be effective and to be more productive, there are some basic habits that every (serious) blogger and writer should follow if they are committed to their profession.  I believe that following these habits make a dramatic difference in the quality and quantity.  5 habits I am discussing below, I have seen that most of the writers who work professionally, follow.

1.   Make a habit of writing daily

Writing is a craft and a skill. It needs to be honed that can be done only by regular practicing. No matter how experienced a writer you are, no matter you have a team of writers working for you, still it is important for you to write something daily, just for the sake of writing. It’s a good habit that every writer and blogger should adapt to. It’s like a musician should practice every day to maintain the rhythm and beat of his or her music, a writer needs to pour down words into a constructive sequel every day.  It not only  keeps you attached to your love of writing , but also helps you  arrange your writing thoughts, tune your grammar  and language skills.

2.      Pick the time when you are most productive

Writing is an activity that needs complete concentration and devotion. To   get more effective, pick a time when you are more prolific.   For writing, you should choose a time when you feel like writing.   For instance, like for all other tasks such as sleeping, or eating, you follow a more or less fixed timing. You eat when you feel hungry or you sleep when you feel like sleeping. Similarly, pick a time when you feel like writing. Make writing an essential part of your daily routine. It’s up to you which time suits best for your writing.   For me, afternoons offer the best opportunity to concentrate on my writing. It is a time when everything else settles down for a while and I need not worry about any other thing for the next 4 hours.  It can be either early morning or afternoon or the late night, any time when you are comfortable with your pen, paper, screen and keyword board and of course your thoughts.

3.      Write methodically

If you are a professional writer or blogger, it is important that you follow a methodical approach for writing.  Following a methodical approach is not difficult at all as this is the very natural process of writing which turns your writing into a smart writing. The writing process includes researching, drafting, writing, rewriting and proofreading. The very first step for a writing anything is to get an idea. Now, it’s time to research some good information supporting the idea, make a draft, and write it down. Once you write it down, let it stay as it is for the next few hours. Then come back to it and rewrite to and then proofread it to make it into an interesting and error-free copy.

4.       Reading

Reading is an important part of a writer’s life.  Read, read and read daily.  Read anything; newspapers, magazines, novels, short stories, essays, non-fiction and more.  By reading, you can improve your writing skills.  Besides getting information and entertainment, you also learn the art of writing when you read the works of other writers. In addition, it improves your language usage and vocabulary.  You can get inspired to write some fresh ideas.

5.      Seek inspiration and take notes

For a writer, it is important to have a list of new ideas to write upon and to prevent that famous writer’s block.  You need to look for inspiration   around you; you can get an idea from your friends, colleagues, kids, and people on the road, politics, music, environment or literally anything. The important thing is you keep a note of all these ideas.   To have that list, you should carry a small notebook with you as you never know when an idea strikes you.

These are a few habits, I think, can help any writer who wants not only to work hard but also to work smart.   Habits can be formed and nurtured; the most important of all is your wish and commitment to improve your writing skills and your work, everything else will fall in line on its own.


Image courtesy Stuart Miles/freedigitalphotos.net/